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Chief Visionary Strategist was Tom Haag +1 828-620-7544 DrKeith.org +1 725-200-7683
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Worldwide, NEVER again a single VOTE of election Fraud at any level using replacement method below
HOW WE DECIDE is the basics of WE procreate No Crime Utopia of GODs UNIocracy.org forever.
Universally, WE THE PEOPLE now decide NEXT Project and WE Pick who are ALL our Leaders ! !
Protect Keith +1 770-377-2106 today. Total Destruction of MotherEarth occurs caused by Criminal Ruling Elite starting with #1 Terrorist Robert Dee ROSE at DuncanClaim.org $500 Million USD !
FOIA.ONE Singular A.I. Database Unification Broadcast Evangelist Crusader Teams.
Keith Brent Duncan serves the entire world, including MEDIATING with ALL WORLD PRESIDENTS and Corporate Executives as required by existing LAWS to UNIFY all of mankind.
Updated Jan 22, 2020 I am still alive which truly annoys criminals who want my growing crusader Scientist teams DEAD so they can rule as KINGS of economic New World Order..
all Law Enforcement agencies, Interpol, Military, Corporate exectives at all levels, all foreign workers, Congress, United Nations, The standing USA President and all other leaders around the world, all children, youth, women, small businesses owners, and especially all churches as they are the true overseers of their own communities. Top persons who are very powerful business people all know I was a visionary sage super mastermind who solved major business issues in record time. One key person is President of AT&T Emerging Devices, Glenn_Lurie@Att.com with iseeATT.com Glenn personally promised to put my IseeStand.com PhoneCradle.com in 2300 AT&T Stores through his Product General Manager Wyn Williams in Oct 2010 right when ROBERT DEE ROSE was cyber stalking my every business transactions. When I personally went BACK to visit him at his prime office in summer of 2011, he refused to just SPEAK with me in the lobby and sent his 'evil' admin assistant to DEMAND I not actually SHOW world HOW to transform our world into our new FREE TRADE and FREE TRAVEL society of UNIocracy.ORG. Sad. So HE needs to be sued and FIRED by ProfitShareHolders.com for his refusals to PAY us the $15,000 owed by ATT to us through President Keith Hartford at WNA-LTD.COm who also breached legally binding contracts worth now, BILLIONS of real USD $$$ cash.
There is also few people who ever have represented the rights of prisoners in Hell-Jail as Keith spent 848 days in HELL-JAIL Oct 3, 2011 through Jan 28, 2014, then Oct 4 2018 to Nov 14, 2018 based on ROSE's multi-level conspiracies and cover-ups in order for him to be a Billionaire CyberCrime Terrorists controlling the database internet flow of information through governments, banks, and corporations with perfect crime cabal syndicates like AgileLaw.com of Cyclone Alexander Covey. Keith has already delivered the world's first ANTI-Cybercrime, Anti-Political Corruption, Anti-Crime, Anti-terrorist methods and procedures to our entire world. That is what was gifted to USAF Langley on Sept 25, 2011 and has been tuned to perfection now as the ONLY standards to ensure survival of mankind.
Philippines Youth
Group photo of church who was cross promoted many times by Keith Duncan. Ask Dale Hanson
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John Doe, , Common citizen